iQall - Ihre VoIP-TK-Anlage


Verantwortliche Stelle im Sinne der Datenschutzgesetze, insbesondere der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), ist:
Hans Bonfigt
Grosse Schulstr. 75
49078 Osnabrück
Ihre Betroffenenrechte
Unter den angegebenen Kontaktdaten unseres Datenschutzbeauftragten können Sie jederzeit folgende Rechte ausüben:
  • Auskunft über Ihre bei uns gespeicherten Daten und deren Verarbeitung,
  • Berichtigung unrichtiger personenbezogener Daten,
  • Löschung Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten Daten,
  • Einschränkung der Datenverarbeitung, sofern wir Ihre Daten aufgrund gesetzlicher Pflichten noch nicht löschen dürfen,
  • Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten bei uns und
  • Datenübertragbarkeit, sofern Sie in die Datenverarbeitung eingewilligt haben oder einen Vertrag mit uns abgeschlossen haben.
Sofern Sie uns eine Einwilligung erteilt haben, können Sie diese jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen. Sie können sich jederzeit mit einer Beschwerde an die für Sie zuständige
Aufsichtsbehörde wenden. Ihre zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde richtet sich nach dem Bundesland Ihres Wohnsitzes, Ihrer Arbeit oder der mutmaßlichen Verletzung. Eine Liste der Aufsichtsbehörden (für den nichtöffentlichen Bereich) mit Anschrift finden Sie unter:
Zwecke der Datenverarbeitung durch die verantwortliche Stelle und Dritte
Wir verarbeiten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur zu den in dieser Datenschutzerklärung genannten Zwecken. Eine Übermittlung Ihrer persönlichen Daten an Dritte zu anderen als den genannten Zwecken findet nicht statt. Wir geben Ihre persönlichen Daten nur an Dritte
weiter, wenn:
  • Sie Ihre ausdrückliche Einwilligung dazu erteilt haben,
  • die Verarbeitung zur Abwicklung eines Vertrags mit Ihnen erforderlich ist,
  • die Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich ist,
die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung berechtigter Interessen erforderlich ist und kein Grund zur Annahme besteht, dass Sie ein überwiegendes schutzwürdiges Interesse an der Nichtweitergabe Ihrer Daten haben.
Löschung bzw. Sperrung der Daten
Wir halten uns an die Grundsätze der Datenvermeidung und Datensparsamkeit. Wir speichern Ihre personenbezogenen Daten daher nur so lange, wie dies zur Erreichung der hier genannten Zwecke erforderlich ist oder wie es die vom Gesetzgeber vorgesehenen vielfältigen Speicherfristen vorsehen. Nach Fortfall des jeweiligen Zweckes bzw. Ablauf dieser Fristen werden die entsprechenden Daten routinemäßig und entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorschriften gesperrt oder gelöscht.
Treten Sie bzgl. Fragen jeglicher Art per E-Mail oder Kontaktformular mit uns in Kontakt, erteilen Sie uns zum Zwecke der Kontaktaufnahme Ihre freiwillige Einwilligung. Hierfür ist die Angabe einer validen E-Mail-Adresse erforderlich. Diese dient der Zuordnung der Anfrage und der anschließenden Beantwortung derselben. Die Angabe weiterer Daten ist optional. Die von Ihnen gemachten Angaben werden zum Zwecke der Bearbeitung der Anfrage sowie für mögliche Anschlussfragen gespeichert. Nach Erledigung der von Ihnen gestellten Anfrage werden
personenbezogene Daten automatisch gelöscht.
Änderung unserer Datenschutzbestimmungen
Wir behalten uns vor, diese Datenschutzerklärung anzupassen, damit sie stets den aktuellen
rechtlichen Anforderungen entspricht oder um Änderungen unserer Leistungen in der Datenschutzerklärung umzusetzen, z.B. bei der Einführung neuer Services. Für Ihren erneuten Besuch gilt dann die neue Datenschutzerklärung.
Fragen an den Datenschutzbeauftragten|
Wenn Sie Fragen zum Datenschutz haben, schreiben Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail oder wenden Sie sich direkt an die für den Datenschutz verantwortliche Person in unserer Organisation:
Hans Bonfigt
weQreate GmbH & Co. KG
Berlin, den 12.12.2023

Die Datenschutzerklärung wurde mit dem Datenschutzerklärungs-Generator der activeMind AG erstellt

weQreate and its subsidiaries respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. With this Privacy Statement we provide you with information regarding our Privacy Policy pertaining to the data collected by weQreate and how this data is utilised and confined. When visiting our websites, you are not required to identify yourself, nor to reveal any information. Notice of this is visible at the bottom of each weQreate Web page.
weQreate has also ascertained and certified that it’s Privacy practices are consistent with U.S.-E.U. Safe Harbour principles: Notice, Choice, Onward Transfer, Access and Accuracy, Security and Oversight/ Enforcement. More information about the U.S. Department of Commerce Safe Harbor Program can be found at
  1. Covered Sites
  2. Collecting of Information
  3. What weQreate does with your private information
  4. weQreate's method of keeping your information secure
  5. Changes
We value your opinion. Should you have any comments and/ or questions regarding our privacy policy, please send us an email or call us.

1. Covered Sites

This Privacy Statement applies to all weQreate -owned websites and domains, as well as our wholly owned subsidiaries (weQreate websites).
Links to non-weQreate websites
weQreate websites may provide links to third-party websites. Once you access these links, you leave the weQreate has absolutely no control over such sites and/ or their privacy practices. Please note that these privacy practices may differ vastly from those of weQreate and that any personal data you may choose to reveal on such sites is not covered by the weQreate Privacy Statement. We urge and encourage you to carefully review the Privacy Policy of any Company before submitting any personal information.

2. Collecting of information

Children’s privacy
weQreate is committed to the protection of children and primarily of their privacy needs. We do not knowingly or willingly gather information from children under the age of thirteen and no weQreate websites target children under thirteen.
Types of information
This Privacy Statement covers personal information, non-personal data collection and aggregate reporting.
  • Personal information
    is information directly associated with your name or personal identity. Should you choose to provide us with any personal information, you may be assured that such information will only be utilised to support your customer relationship with weQreate. Your personal information will never be sold, rented or leased to other parties by us.

    Various weQreate websites offer you the opportunity to order products or services, request information, subscribe to marketing or support materials, register yourself or even to apply for a career opportunity at weQreate. Any and all information you provide us on these pages will be used solely for the specifically related subject.

    In our ongoing quest to improve our products and services, and in order to personalise the same as well as communications, we may on occasion request that you provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics and experiences with and opinion of our products. Providing such additional information is entirely optional.
  • Non-personal information
    is data about usage and service operation that is not associated in any way with a specific personal identity. weQreate accumulates and analyses non-personal information in order to evaluate the method in which visitors make use of the weQreate websites.

    Non-personal data that we gather may include such information as pages and unique URLs* visited on the weQreate websites, browser type and IP-Adresse**. Most non-personal data is collected via cookies or other analysis technologies. weQreate Web pages make use of cookies and other technologies for data analysis and personalization services. weQreate also places ads on other websites that may make the use of cookies.

3. What weQreate does with your private information

weQreate utilizes your personal information to provide you with improved services as well as to assist us in better understanding your requirements and interests. More specifically, information is used to aid you with the completion of a transaction or order, to communicate with you, to present you with superior service and support, to update you on services and benefits available. Also, such information is utilised to personalise promotional offers and some weQreate websites. On occasion, we may also make use of your information in order to contact you for market research regarding weQreate products or services.
Credit card information is used solely for payment processing and fraud prevention. Sensitive personal information is gathered purely to facilitate our financial service providers’ credit decisions and will be shared with them exclusively and only with your permission. Credit card information and sensitive personal data are not used for any other purpose by our financial services providers or weQreate and will not be filed or kept for any longer than is absolutely necessary for providing the services. The only exception to this would be should you yourself specifically request that we retain your credit card information for future purchases.
Any personal data collected online may also be combined with information you provide weQreate through other sources such as product registration, call centres or public events such as trade shows or seminars. Personal data given to weQreate may be transferred across state and country borders for the purposes of data consolidation, storage and simplified customer information management.
Non-personal data is aggregated for reporting about weQreate website usability, performance and effectiveness. It is utilised to enhance and improve the customer experience, usability and site content.
With whom we share information
weQreate will never sell, rent or lease any of your personal information to others. weQreate will not provide your personal information to third parties except in response to a request from you for specific products or services. Upon submitting of any such personal information, your permission will always be requested. weQreate does however share customer information across weQreate -owned business entities and companies working on our behalf, but only as described above in "What weQreate does with your private information".
All suppliers and service providers are obligated to keep entirely confidential any information received on behalf of weQreate and may not make use of it for any other purpose but to carry out the services that are being performed on behalf of weQreate. These service providers may vary or weQreate may contract with additional service providers in order to better accommodate our clients. weQreate will never share personal information with any other third party without your permission, unless so required by law enforcement actions, subpoena, or local law.
weQreate or it’s related entities could merge with or be acquired by another business entity or some or all of their respective assets could be acquired. Should such a combination or acquisition occur, weQreate will make every reasonable effort to notify you in the event that we share with the merging or acquiring entity some or all of your personal information with a view to continuing being in a position to provide you with service.
Non-subscription services
weQreate never make use of your personal information for any other purpose than that stated when you provide such data. Examples of such unrelated uses include sending communications regarding special offers, product information and/ or marketing messages. You may however choose to receive this type of non-subscription communications by following the instructions below.
Specify your privacy preferences by sending us an email or call us.
Please be sure to provide your full name, e-mail address and postal address in all correspondence.
Subscription services
In order to cancel the receipt of any communications you may have previously requested (such as e-mail newsletters, software updates, etc.), the following methods are available:
  • Select the e-mail "opt-out" or "unsubscibe", or follow the opt-out instructions included in each subscription communication.
  • Return to the web page(s) where you originally registered your preferences and follow the opt-out instructions.
  • Contact us either by email or call us. Always be sure to provide your name, e-mail and postal address, and relevant information about your weQreate subscriptions and registrations.

4. weQreate's method of keeping your information secure

Access to your data
weQreate will ensure that you have easy access to your information, including online access and the facility and opportunity to alter your information should you choose to do so. In order to protect your privacy and security, we will always take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as a password and user ID, before granting access to your data. Certain areas of weQreate] websites may limit access to specific individuals through the use of passwords and other personal identifiers.
The most rapid and effective manner in which to view and alter your personal information is to return to the web page where you originally submitted such data and to follow the instructions on that web page.
weQreate is committed to protecting any information you may provide to us. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy and to ensure the appropriate use of information, weQreate in place appropriate physical and managerial procedures to safeguard any information provided to us.
We make use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as Credit Card information. SSL encryption is designed to make the information inaccessible and unreadable by anyone but ourselves. One method by which you may notice that this system is active, is by a symbol of either an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending on your browser) at the bottom of your browser window.
Credit card numbers are used solely for processing payment and not for any other purpose whatsoever. As part of real-time payment processing, weQreate subscribes to a fraud management service. This service provides both you and weQreate with an extra level of security to guard against credit card fraud and to protect your financial data.

5. Changes

Any and all updates to the terms of weQreate Online Privacy Statement will be posted in this document and revision dates will likewise be updated. In this manner, you will always be aware of what information we accumulate online and what use we make of it, as well as what choices are available to you. For material changes to this statement, weQreate will provide notification to affected clientele.
Rev. December 2023

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